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Documentation / Reference Manual / Advanced Batch System / Commands / pjobs

pjobs: version 4.842.a1569d2(2024-01-15 08:48) [ABS]




pjobs [OPTIONS]


Print info about jobs in the batch systems that are owned by the user.

Search expressions:
Search tokens: bs (short name of batch server), st (state), user, id (only numeric part), queue (only name), title, path,
ncpus, ngpus, nnodes
Comparison operators: == (equal), != (not equal), <, <=, >, >=
Logical operators:  ! (logical not), && (logical and), || (logical or)
Braces: ( )
The search token must be always on the left side of comparison operator.
On the right side, it can be:
an integer number for id, ncpus, ngpus, and nnodes tokens
a string for bs, st, user, , title, and path tokens
String comparisons can employ shell wildcard patterns and == or != comparison operators only.


-u, --user NAME
alternative user name
-s, --search EXPRESSION
search for jobs satisfying logical expression
-g, --collate
collate jobs into collections
-p, --path
print job path if possible
-l, --comment
print job comment if possible
-o, --origin
print job origin if the job was moved between servers
-c, --completed
keep all jobs
-f, --finished
show only finished jobs sorted by their termination time
-m, --moved
show only moved jobs
-t, --technical
print all jobs in technical format
-v, --verbose
increase output verbosity
output version information and exit
-h, --help
display this help and exit