Infinity is a software environment simplifying management of computational jobs. It consists of two subsystems: Advanced Module System and Advanced Batch System.

Advanced Module System (AMS) manages scientific software. The software is organized into modules, which consists of software builds. Each build represents a version of the software, its optimisation for target host architecture (CPU, GPU, network interconnect, and others) and mode of parallel execution if supported. To minimize unnecessary burden with a selection of proper software build, AMS contains algorithms for automatic selection of builds which are most suitable for computational resources allocated for jobs submitted into a batch system.

Advanced Batch System (ABS) is an extension of the PBSPro batch system. It simplifies job submission, manages fault-tolerant job data transfer between the host computer and computational nodes, performs many diagnostics tasks suitable for debugging of job crashes, and assembles all run-time information about jobs with the possibility to simple analyze consumed computational resources. ABS supports advanced jobs called collections and has direct support for restartable jobs.

This web provides information about Infinity usage on MetaCentrum, CERIT-SC, and clusters managed by the LCC (Laboratory of Computational Chemistry) support.