
Revision as of 11:06, 18 January 2024 by Kulhanek (talk | contribs)

Documentation / Activation, Deactivation, and Installation / MetaCentrum Supercomputing Centre

MetaCentrum is a Czech supercomputing centre.

Infinity is pre-installed on the MetaCentrum but requires manual activation.

1. Register

First, the user must join the Infinity user mailing list.

Register into Infinity mailing list

2. Activate

Then, the activation script (/software/ncbr/infiboot/infinity-activate) must be executed on the selected user interface, for example, If this computer is unavailable, the other possible user interfaces are listed in the MetaCentrum documentation here.

[kulhanek@pes ~]$ ssh
[kulhanek@perian ~]$ /software/ncbr/infiboot/infinity-activate metavo-ams-9.0

# ==============================================================================
# Infinity - activating profile: metavo-ams-9.0

           The profile activates the next major version of Infinity on the MetaCentrum
           VO resources. This version comprises Advanced Module System v9.x and
           Advanced Batch System v4.x.
# ==============================================================================

 Activation of Infinity via cluster home directories ... 
    >>> /storage/brno11-elixir/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/brno12-cerit/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/brno1-cerit/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/brno2/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/brno3-cerit/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/brno4-cerit-hsm/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/brno7-cerit/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/budejovice1/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/du-cesnet/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/jihlava1-cerit/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/liberec3-tul/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/ostrava2-archive/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/plzen1/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/praha1/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/praha2-natur/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/praha5-elixir/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/pruhonice1-ibot/home/kulhanek - success.
    >>> /storage/vestec1-elixir/home/kulhanek - success.
 All is done.

 WARNING: Please open a new terminal session to complete the Infinity profile 'metavo-ams-9.0' activation procedure.

[kulhanek@perian ~]$