Documentation / Activation, Deactivation, and Installation / MetaCentrum Supercomputing Centre
MetaCentrum is a Czech supercomputing centre.
Infinity is pre-installed on the MetaCentrum but requires manual activation. This procedure assumes that you have a valid account on MetaCentre. If not, you can apply here.
1. Register
First, the user must join the Infinity user mailing list.
2. Activate
Then, the activation script (infinity-boot) must be executed on the selected user interface, for example, If this computer is unavailable, the other possible user interfaces are listed in the MetaCentrum documentation here.
[kulhanek@pes ~]$ ssh ... ... [kulhanek@perian ~]$ /software/ncbr/infiboot/infinity-activate metavo-ams-9.0 # ============================================================================== # Infinity - activating profile: metavo-ams-9.0 The profile activates the next major version of Infinity on the MetaCentrum VO resources. This version comprises Advanced Module System v9.x and Advanced Batch System v4.x. # ============================================================================== Activation of Infinity via cluster home directories ... >>> /storage/brno11-elixir/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/brno12-cerit/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/brno1-cerit/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/brno2/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/brno3-cerit/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/brno4-cerit-hsm/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/brno7-cerit/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/budejovice1/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/du-cesnet/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/jihlava1-cerit/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/liberec3-tul/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/ostrava2-archive/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/plzen1/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/praha1/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/praha2-natur/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/praha5-elixir/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/pruhonice1-ibot/home/kulhanek - success. >>> /storage/vestec1-elixir/home/kulhanek - success. All is done. WARNING: Please open a new terminal session to complete the Infinity profile 'metavo-ams-9.0' activation procedure. [kulhanek@perian ~]$