RefMan:AMS Commands: Difference between revisions

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| [[site]]
| [[site]]
| manipulates with sites, which are virtual representations of computational resources
| [[module]]
| [[module]]
| activate/deactivate software modules
| [[ams-config]]
| [[ams-config]]
| user configuration of AMS subsystem
| [[amssetenv]]
| [[amssetenv]]
| setup available computational resources for parallel execution in interactive command line mode

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| [[ams-bundle]]
| [[ams-bundle]]
| manipulates with module bundles (collections of software modules)
| [[ams-user]]
| [[ams-user]]
| print information about the current user
| [[ams-host]]
| [[ams-host]]
| print information about the current host

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| [[_ams-cgen]]
| [[_ams-cgen]]
| provide suggestions for bash-completion of AMS commands 
| [[_ams-module-var]]
| [[_ams-module-var]]
| manipulate with environment variables
| [[module-add-stat]]
| [[module-add-stat]]
| send statistical data to the ams-isoftstat server