Installation:CEITEC Clusters: Difference between revisions

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[[Documentation]] / [[Activation, Deactivation, and Installation]] / [[Installation:CEITEC Clusters | CEITEC Clusters]] __NOEDITSECTION__
[[Documentation]] / [[Activation, Deactivation, and Installation]] / [[Installation:CEITEC Clusters | CEITEC Clusters]] __NOEDITSECTION__
LCC Support does not administer the ROBOX cluster. The following setup is a description of how the infinity should be properly activated. The real situation can strongly depend on the users and administrators of the cluster.
== The system wide setup ==
The activation script is in the file '''/etc/bashrc'''. This script has to be called from the user startup files, '''~/.bash_profile''' and '''~/.bashrc'''. The initial content of these files is stored in the '''/etc/skel''' directory. To assure that new users will get the proper version of these files, the contents of the '''/etc/skel''' directory must be updated.
$ cat /etc/bashrc
# this is for non-interactive and interactive modes
# AMS 9.0
export AMS_HOST_GROUP=robox
if [ "`id -u`" -gt 1000 ]; then
    if /usr/bin/test -f /software/ncbr/softmods/9.0/etc/boot/bashrc.ncbr
        then source /software/ncbr/softmods/9.0/etc/boot/bashrc.ncbr
$ cat /etc/skel/.bash_profile
# Standard NCBR .bash_profile
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
$ cat /etc/skel/.bashrc
# Standard NCBR .bashrc
# use system wide setup
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
    . /etc/bashrc
The file '''/etc/skel/.profile''' must be deleted.
== The user wide setup ==
The Infinity requires standard NCBR startup files '''~/.bash_profile''' and '''~/.bashrc''', while the '''~/.profile''' file should not be present. Their contents must match the files' contents in the '''/etc/skel''' directory. If not, or if you accidentally remove or damage their contents, you can restore them by running the infinity-boot command. This must be done on ALL cluster computers. This operation is not handled by the script and thus rests on the user or the cluster administrator.
$ /software/ncbr/infiboot/infinity-activate general
# ==============================================================================
# Infinity - activating profile: general
          The profile restores the standard .bash_profile and .bashrc files used
          on the NCBR clusters administered by the LCC support (WOLF, SOKAR, IVAVIK,
          LCC). This profile should rarely be used, usually when the user damages
          these files.
# ==============================================================================
  Activation of Infinity on local machine:    robox                                      ... success.
All is done.
WARNING: Please open a new terminal session to complete the Infinity profile 'general' activation procedure.