Infinity Personal

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Documentation / Activation, Deactivation, and Installation / Infinity Personal

Infinity Personal is a set of tools allowing you to install the Infinity system on your computer, either PC or laptop. The currently supported operating systems are:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The software modules are downloaded on your computer and can be used offline. In addition, you can monitor and submit computational jobs to supported clusters if you are online. Your local account must have the same name as in e-Infra space for reasonable operation.

1. Register

First, you must join the Infinity Personal group. Once the application is approved by the administrator, you can continue.

Register into Infinity Personal group

2. Install Infinity Personal

The core of Infinity Personal is installed using system packages. You have to activate the NCBR package repository for a given version of OS and then install the specified package.

1) Activate the NCBR public package repository: > User support > Ubuntu Packages > NCBR PUBLIC (LCC and WOLF mirrors available)

NCBR PUBLIC Repository (WOLF mirror)

Follow Instructions in the section How to activate access to the package repository.

2) Install the core package with AMS:

$ sudo apt-get install ncbr-ams-core-9.0-personal

3. Configure Infinity Personal

2) Instalace balicku ncbr-ams-core-8.0-personal

$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install ncbr-ams-core-8.0-personal ncbr-env-infinity-8.0-personal

Odhlaseni + nove prihlaseni

3) vytvoreni ssh klicu pro Infinity ucet

$ ams-personal gensshkeys

4) registrace ssh klice do vaseho e-infra uctu v perunu

Leva zalozka "User" -> Zvolit uzivatele -> Horni zalozka "Authentication" -> Kerberos & SSH keys, vytvorit novy (plusko) v casti "Public ssh Key:", a vlozit ssh klic z bodu 3 Nezapomenout ulozit! Tlacitko "Save" pod "Kerberos & SSH keys"

5) podani prihlasky k pristupu k Infinity repozitari

pri vyplnovani nezadejte o prodlouzeni clenstvi ve VO

po schvaleni budete muset chvilku pockat, nez se klic prenese na repozitar infinity

6) instalace zakladnich buildu

$ ams-personal addcorebuilds

7) instalace vlastnich buildu nebo balicku, napr.:

$ ams-personal addmodule vmd


$ ams-personal addbuilds orca:4.0.0:x86_64:para # akolo 10 GB!!!

Seznam buildu je dostupny v iSoftrepo: